HIT News

HIT Strategies is always at the forefront of important political work. For media inquiries, please contact: media@hitstrat.com.

  1. E-Blast: How Do Voters Feel About Recent Political Events? Read About Our Latest Focus Groups ⬇️

    Are you curious about the real attitudes behind the headlines? Dive into exclusive insights from HIT’s latest focus groups and uncover the sentiments underneath the toplines and what’s driving voters this upcoming election.

  2. E-Blast: A Look Back at 2023 and Gearing Up for 2024 🗳️   

    Paul Young, a rising Memphis leader who will bring a fresh perspective to the mayor’s office.

    A Columbus City Council slate of nine candidates committed to making the city safer and more equitable for everyone.

    Cherelle Parker, Philadelphia’s first Black woman mayor.

  3. E-Blast: 2023: HIT’s Winning Year! 🎉     

    Paul Young, a rising Memphis leader who will bring a fresh perspective to the mayor’s office.

    A Columbus City Council slate of nine candidates committed to making the city safer and more equitable for everyone.

    Cherelle Parker, Philadelphia’s first Black woman mayor.

  4. E-Blast: Celebrating Our 4th Anniversary! 🎊

    Four years ago last month, Terrance and I founded HIT Strategies to revolutionize public opinion research and understand America’s fastest-growing consumers and voters.

  5. E-Blast: See HIT Founding Partners Roshni Nedungadi and Terrance Woodbury at Netroots Nation! 🎙️

    Last month, Cherelle Parker made history by winning the Philadelphia Mayoral Democratic primary, setting the stage to become the city’s first female mayor in November.

  6. E-Blast: HIT Accurately Predicted Cherelle Parker’s Historic Win 📈

    Last month, Cherelle Parker made history by winning the Philadelphia Mayoral Democratic primary, setting the stage to become the city’s first female mayor in November.


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