HIT Services

HIT offers three main categories of services:

HIT Research

Research is HIT’s primary function. Understanding the values, attitudes, and behaviors of the target audience is how we are able to deliver analytics and messaging to achieve our partners objectives. Research can be used to understand behavior, predict behavior, and ultimately, to change the behavior of target audiences.


Polls (or surveys) allow us to investigate a small sample of the target audience in order to make inferences about a broader universe. Polls are the most common research instrument in measuring public attitudes and behaviors.

  • Traditional Live Phone Polls
  • Member-Driven Panels
  • Text-to-Web Polls
  • Social Media Polls
  • Public Panels
  • Interactive Voice Response (Robocalls)


Focus groups are strategic conversations with target audiences that allow us to deep dive dense topics that are limited in the forced choice of format of polls. HIT will recruit members of the target audience into live, virtual, or simulated forums that are facilitated by HIT Moderators that also match the target audience to ensure cultural sensitivity.

  • Online Focus Groups
  • Live Focus Groups
  • Online Chat Group
  • Journal (Boards)
  • Qualitative Boards
  • In-Depth Interviews

HIT Analytics

We apply rigorous analytic techniques to data to reveal deeper strategic insights rather than general observations. HIT Analysts and Data Scientists can compare, contrast, and regress the data to inform your decision making and communications needs.

While there is no limit to what can be done with your data, our analytics & reports focus on 6 primary outcomes:

  • Attitudinal Baseline
  • Targeting & Profiling
  • Candidate Favorability
  • Issue & Policy Priorities
  • Message & Content Testing
  • Media Consumption


Toplines: Word based products of the final research instrument with the results of each research question broken out by total and 1-3 demographic or geographic variables.

Crosstabs: Excel based product of every research question broken out by 20-100 demographic, geographic, and attitudinal variables.

Dashboards: Web based, automated crosstab that allows you to toggle research questions across all of the demographic, geographic, and attitudinal variables; other dashboards sort data by message efficacy, shifting audiences, etc.

Data Decks: Powerpoint based comprehensive reports that detail the key findings/executive summary, graphs and data visualizations, and strategic recommendations of the research.

Infographics: Professionally designed data visualization content that packages key findings of a robust research project into small, publically digestible format. Infographics can be designed as individual content pieces optimized for social media sharing.

HIT Messaging

Our research gives us profound insight into the language and messaging that influences your target audience. Our strategy consultants work with your communications team to not only test but craft messaging that drives outcomes. We determine which messages most reflect the values of your target audience and then provide guidance as you develop media for the appropriate format.

We specialize in messaging and communications in the following mediums:

  • TV Advertising
  • Digital Media
  • Print Media

Our consultants can help you present your data and analysis in compelling ways for different occasions

  • Meetings / Presentations
  • External Communiques
  • Public Reports

Our Approach In Action

  • Personal Values
  • Proof Points
  • Your Outcome
  • Compelling Message

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