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E-Blast: Kansas Abortion Vote Inspires Voters in Democratic Focus Groups



Kansas Abortion Vote Inspires Voters in Democratic Focus Groups

In HIT’s latest focus groups, young and Black Democratic voters lamented the fall of Roe v. Wade and said they were optimistic when they learned how Kansans rejected a ballot measure to ban abortions in their state. 

At HIT Strategies, we have spent months detailing the case for Democrats to make reproductive justice a centerpiece issue of the midterm elections. Kansas serves as an important lesson for Democratic candidates to mobilize voters around protecting abortions in every state.  

Read a few selected quotes from the focus groups:  

One voter expressed the inspiration she felt following the vote in Kansas, stating it encouraged her to think it could happen in other places as well. 
A young Hispanic voter felt optimistic after the result in Kansas, saying it shows how people really think about reproductive rights. 
Another young voter stated that abortion access is a matter of life and death. Because of this dire situation, a person’s vote to protect reproductive rights will help keep people alive and provide vital health care. 
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