Publication Summary
Closing the Black Vaccination Gap
One goal of the September BlackTrack is to find out who are the unvaccinated Black voters and what it would take to get them vaccinated. Black Americans endure the highest rates of COVID infections, hospitalizations, and deaths, yet they also trail White Americans in vaccination rates. This vaccination gap is often attributed to Black Americans being vaccine-hesitant, however, hesitancy only provides one side of the story. The September BlackTrack survey shows that Black voters can be persuaded to get vaccinated through a coordinated strategy, involving government and private-sector mandates as well as informational marketing.
About BLACKtrack
BlackTrack is HIT Strategies’ recurring monthly national survey of 1,000 Black voters ages 18+ on current social and political issues. BlackTrack tracks Black Americans’ opinions and disaggregates the data into demographic groups to understand Black voters’ full diversity. The majority of BlackTrack data is proprietary and only available for subscribers. For more information on previous data or to subscribe, go to