Publication Summary
The October BlackTrack Report highlights the survey’s top tracking questions related to President Biden and Congressional Democrats’ performance. The survey detected increasing malaise and disapproval toward Biden and Democrats. For example, in October, 56% of respondents said they felt that the Democratic Party takes Black voters for granted, a 14% jump from the June BlackTrack survey. Also, 25% of participants disapproved of Congressional Democrats’ job performance, more than double the proportion who said the same in June.
About BLACKtrack
BlackTrack is HIT Strategies’ recurring monthly national survey of 1,000 Black voters ages 18+ on current social and political issues. BlackTrack tracks Black Americans’ opinions and disaggregates the data into demographic groups to understand Black voters’ full diversity. The majority of BlackTrack data is proprietary and only available for subscribers. For more information on previous data or to subscribe, go to