Publication Summary
HIT Strategies conducted BlackTrack from June 22-27, 2020, among 1,000 registered Black voters nationally.
The #BlackLivesMatter protests across all 50 states have permanently shifted the priorities of this election. Racism and discrimination ranked as the top issue priority for 75% of all black voters, more than 25 points than their second priority. Support is high even among specific demographics Democrats are weak with, Black men (74%) and Black voters under 50 (70%), showing that leaning into racism is a winning path forward for Biden and any Democratic candidate mobilizing the Black vote.
About BLACKtrack
BlackTrack is HIT Strategies’ recurring monthly national survey of 1,000 Black voters ages 18+ on current social and political issues. BlackTrack tracks Black Americans’ opinions and disaggregates the data into demographic groups to understand Black voters’ full diversity. The majority of BlackTrack data is proprietary and only available for subscribers. For more information on previous data or to subscribe, go to hitstrat.com/blacktrack.