New Poll Shows Biden and Democrats’ Approval Among Black Voters Amid Recent Voting Rights Push. More Black Voter Attitudes on Supreme Court, Congressional Democrats, and Biden Agenda (BLACKtrack)
Press Release -
Economy/Inflation, Race and Racism, African-Americans
Washington, D.C. | February 3 – This month, President Joe Biden’s job performance approval numbers among all Black Voters stood at 73%, compared to last month’s approval rating of 77%. As President Biden’s approval declined, he maintained a supermajority approval among Black voters. Of those respondents over 50 years of age, Biden’s approval was reported at 86%, while his approval with respondents under 50 years of age was reported at 64%.
The data is from the latest BlackTrack, a monthly survey by HIT Strategies to track Black voters’ evolving attitudes on various national and political issues. The February BlackTrack was conducted between January 15-21, 2022. Noteworthy: Survey participants acknowledged the President’s increased focus on voting rights. The number of Black voters who reported that Biden has made voting rights one of his top three priorities rose significantly, from 8% to 21%. Furthermore, the number of voters that wish for Biden to prioritize voting rights as one of his three central issues increased from 15% to 22%. The Freedom to Vote Act registered an 83% approval rating with participants.
“For President Biden to stop the declining approval among Black voters, he will need to take a more active role in messaging, telling Black voters of his progress on Black issues ahead of the mid-term election cycle,” said Terrance Woodbury, a founding partner at HIT Strategies. “There is so much he can talk about that many Black voters aren’t aware of.”
Looking Beneath the Numbers
- President Biden’s decline in approval was especially significant among young Black voters between 18-29, where his numbers dropped from 76% to 60% since last month
- 60% of Black men believe the Democratic Party takes Black voters for granted compared to 47% of Black women
- 56% of respondents reported that they would be more likely to vote for Democrats if they were able to pass the Freedom to Vote Act, compared to 9% who said it would make them less likely to support Democrats
More Takeaways from February BlackTrack
Supreme Court (taken before vacancy announcement)
- Total respondents reported a 57% job performance approval, 43% reported disapproval
- Men reported 54% approval with 46% disapproval
- Women reported 59% approval with 41% disapproval
Biden Agenda
- 40% believe that Biden’s stimulus checks were one of the top two things that have improved their lives during his presidency
- Handling of COVID-19 and “restoring dignity” to the Office of the President were the following two most highly selected answers, garnering 26% and 20%, respectively
Democrats and Elections
- Congressional Democrats’ approval rating among Black voters is down 20 points from an 85% mark in September 2021 to 65% in January 2022
- 71% of respondents reported planning to vote for a Democrat in the 2022 mid-term elections, 7% for a Republican, 3% for a 3rd party, with 19% either undecided or not planning on voting