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E-Blast: What HIT Focus Groups of Black Voters Tell Us About Racism and White Supremacy Before the Buffalo Massacre



What HIT Focus Groups of Black Voters Tell Us About Racism and White Supremacy Before the Buffalo Massacre  

The massacre in Buffalo and tragedies before it, continue to demonstrate the need for dialogue and action around racism and white supremacy. President Biden, in his speech this week, boldly addressed these issues, assertively declaring the poison of white supremacy and the violence that is often associated with it.

Our focus groups of Democratic voters have captured these same sentiments and show that racism is always top of mind for Black voters, and many want their elected leaders to offer an anti-racist vision for the country. One common theme through the focus groups was the influence of Donald Trump pushing racist sentiment to the forefront during his presidency. Some voters expressed that his presidency exposed the racism already in existence, allowed people to be and gave the impression that it was okay to be a racist, and showed them that there would be no consequences for being a racist.  

The focus groups also stated how racism can be perceived, whether online or in person, and how fear can trigger violence and attacks towards innocent people. 
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