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E-Blast: HIT Strategies Cited by The Guardian as Leading Firm Encouraging Youth Turnout and Challenging Generalization that Gen-Z is Too Lazy 📰 



HIT Strategies Cited by The Guardian as Leading Firm Encouraging Youth Turnout and Challenging Generalization that Gen-Z is Too Lazy  

In a few states, the increased youth-vote share for Democrats contributed to Democrats winning important races. Subsequently, we spoke with The Guardian about our work encouraging candidates and campaigns to employ tactics to mobilize young voters and throw away generalizations that young voters are lazy or don’t care.
Read the full article and a few quotations below.
  • “Partly responsible for high youth turnout was a new generation of political consultants who had been stumping behind the scenes for months, challenging the generalization that Gen Z is too lazy or disillusioned to bother casting ballots.” 

  • “Some of these strategists are essentially hipper and more digitally savvy startup versions of their more entrenched Beltway counterparts. Like traditional consultants, Gen Z research firms are hired by campaigns to target voters. But they are specifically tasked to reach young voters where they are. And, often, that’s TikTok.” 

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