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E-Blast: HIT CEO named to AAPC’s 40 Under 40. Take a Minute to Vote in GAIN Power’s Powerful IDEA Awards ⏰



HIT CEO named to AAPC’s 40 Under 40. Take a Minute to Vote in GAIN Power’s Powerful IDEA Awards 

Last week, HIT Strategies CEO Terrance Woodbury was named to the American Association of Political Consultants (AAPC) 2023 Class of 40 Under 40. Selected from more than 250 nominations, Terrance and the 2023 class of award recipients were honored at an award ceremony at the 2023 Pollie Awards & Conference in Palm Springs, California.
Terrance was acknowledged for his leadership and innovation in the political business community and for making a mark as a Democratic pollster. Terrance also joined a panel at the AAPC conference to discuss how to create compelling content and messaging that resonates with voters and wins elections. 
Terrance is also nominated for a Powerful IDEA  Award this year, recognizing his powerful impact on the 2022 midterm elections! Voting is open, and we hope you’ll join us in supporting Terrance as a nominee in the Transformational Talent and Leadership: Polling Consultant category. 

The process to vote is: 

1. Register an account
2. Complete your profile. 
3. Start voting.  
4. Share your support and votes on social media. Each nominee has a unique URL that you can share if you want to promote your nominations or friends. 

More detailed information about the voting process can be found here.  

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