Biden’s Progress On Black Voters’ Policy Priorities Scored, With Surprising Results
HIT In The News -
Public Safety, Critical Race Theory/Education, Economy/Inflation, Race and Racism, African-Americans
HIT founding partner Terrance Woodbury writes about what Democratic candidates need to demonstrate to Black voters in an op-ed in Blavity:
“The election is now right around the corner, and Democrats’ most loyal voters are expressing deep cynicism and frustration toward politics. Therefore, it is incumbent on Democratic candidates to demonstrate to Black voters the progress they have made in the last two years before making promises about what they will do in the next two years. This messaging must do two things: (1) acknowledge the power that Black voters expressed in 2020 to achieve progress and (2) enlist them to continue the unfinished business of fulfilling the remaining priorities with their votes in 2022.”
Read the full article on the Blavity website.