Abortion fight strains Democratic alliance with Gen Z
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Reproductive Justice, Women, Millennials, Gen Z
POLITICO quoted HIT Strategies founding partner Terrance Woodbury about how Democrats need to be more aggressive and value signal to their younger base:
From POLITICO: “Even so, Democrats said this kind of ‘political theater’ is what voters, especially Gen Z, need to see to ‘value signal’ that they’re ‘willing to fight for them,’ said Terrance Woodbury, a Democratic pollster. He cited Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s effort to bus migrants from the Texas border to Washington, D.C., in the absence of federal action on immigration, calling it an example of a vivid action that effectively riles up the Republican base. Democrats, Woodbury continued, could be considering their own version of such attention-grabbing actions now.”
Read the full article on the POLITICO website.